
大排長龍 Long line (queue) / Endless line (queue)

Such a long line.

There's a long line

排隊 Line up / Get in line

當你要問人家是否在排隊 你可以這麼說: Are you in line?

或者可以更明確的問, 例如: 請問你在排隊上廁所嗎? Excuse me, are you in line for the bathroom (restroom)?

請在線後面排隊Please line up behind the line.

請排隊Get in line, please.

插隊 cut in line. 

別插隊!Stop cutting in line!

不用排隊There’s no need to line up.

你在幹嘛?這裡不需要排隊呀What are you doing? There’s no need to line up.

沒人排隊There’s no line.

這部電影沒人排隊 There’s no line for this movie


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